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7 Reasons Why Hand Sanitizer Dispensers Are a MUST for Every Office in 2021

The second wave of coronavirus rampaged through India since march 2021 and continues to show no sign of stopping till date. The state governments across India declared lockdowns soon after, with the hope of halting the speedy transmission of the virus amongst the masses.

However, the public is much more aware this time around, as compared to when the first wave hit the country. People have realised that containing virus’ spread is required at the grass-roots level and hence everybody should follow proper COVID protocols at all times.

In line with this, the demand for hand sanitizer dispensers has seen a huge spike. Almost all public places have these installed as of today. In fact, many residential and commercial establishments are using automatic hand sanitizer dispensers as the go-to way of sanitizing their hands.

7 Reasons Why Hand Sanitizer Dispensers are a Must for Every Office in 2021

Even though most workplaces have shut their physical locations now due to lockdown, here are some of the important reasons why hand sanitizer dispensers are a must for every office in 2021 as soon as offices resume!

1. Improved Hygiene:

Every time sanitizer bottles are touched by different people to dispel sanitizer on their hands, there are increased chances of disease-causing bacteria or virus to spread from one person to another.

Automatic hand sanitizer dispensers are completely touchless which promotes hygiene. There is absolutely no contact whatsoever and all staff members can sanitize their hands without any apprehensions. People working in an office that has a sanitizer dispenser installed will be automatically healthy and definitely more productive.

2. User-Friendly:

If you compare the user-friendliness of a normal sanitizer bottle versus an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser to sanitize hands, the second option will fare more points.

Employees may find it tedious and boring to use the first option, which is the traditional way to sanitize hands. However, sanitizer dispensers are not only user-friendly wherein a staff member simply needs to place their hands under it and sanitizer dispels out automatically, they also encourage more usage. As a result, the chances of virus transmission reduce considerably.

3. Economical:

Considering the huge number of people employed in office spaces and more usage, sanitizer dispensers come out to be a more economical option. The same amount of sanitizer is dispensed out every time it is used, which is not the case with manually operated sanitizer bottles as there is no uniformity.

This is also the reason why the same amount of sanitizer can last for two to three days more with an automatic sanitizer dispenser, as compared to normal sanitizer bottles. This ultimately adds up over the year, leading to increased revenues for the company.

4. Increasing Market Share:

The market share of hand sanitizer dispensers has increased substantially in the past year. The market for the same was valued at $74.62 in 2020 and is expected to go up to $181.97 million by 2027, which is a CAGR of 13.60% from 2020 to 2027.

The advantages of installing automatic hand sanitizer dispensers in establishments has led to increased adoption of the same and given a big push to the existing players to manufacture sanitizer dispensers with better functions. Since offices and commercial buildings have a regular movement of people, sanitizer dispensers have become an important necessity in these places.

5. Wide-Variety:

Since every office or workplace has requirements that may be specific to their environment, it is best to understand which kind of sanitizer dispenser best suits them. There are a wide variety of options to choose from as dispensing machines are available in various capacities, sizes and operation modes. For example, an office that has a staff capacity of 100 employees, can opt for a smaller size sanitizer dispenser. On the contrary, a workplace that employs 1000 people, needs to look out for a bigger dispensing machine to help make more sanitization cycles possible.

6. Safeguard Entry-Exit Points:

It is important to note that offices have a regular walk-in/walk-out culture. Some employees may come in late calling it a half-day, some employees may step out for a meeting for an hour with a client, while some employees may simply step out of the building for a short break, obviously depending upon the HR policies followed there.

This results in a constant in-out scene, which cannot be avoided. Also, there may be more than one entry point in an office or two separate entry-exit points. Considering this, offices need to safeguard all these areas and install sanitizer dispensers at every such entry or exit. Failing to do so is inviting diseases indoors.

7. Cost-Efficient:

Automatic hand sanitizer dispensers are not expensive. When it comes to calculating the cost of using the same per employee, it comes out to be marginal.

Obviously, the larger the organisation and the more the number of employees, this cost will be even lower. Essentially, it should be considered as a long-term investment in the health and hygiene of the employees.

Besides, automatic hand sanitizer dispensers attract minimal to low maintenance cost, making it a must-have for offices.

OakMist Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser by Oakter


OakMist is Oakter’s automatic hand sanitizer dispenser that is completely touchless and approved by the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) of India.

OakMist comes installed with an ultrasonic sensor under which you can simply place your hands and 1 ml sanitizer dispels out, which is enough to sanitize hands completely. It is possible to use 1000 cycles, before refilling the sanitizer into the machine. Simply fix the dispenser on the wall, fill it with sanitizer liquid and switch it on. OakMist is available in three different variants, which are Oakmist Plus, OakMist Mini and OakMist 5 litres. Following are some of the best features of Oakmist:

  • Made in India
  • Easy to Install
  • Sturdy body
  • Manufacturing warranty of one year
  • User-friendly design
  • Ideal for busy areas like office spaces

The safety of employees should be a primary concern for any organization. This is why an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser is a must in offices in 2021.

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