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Contribute to Prevent The Third COVID-19 Wave in India

The last few months have strained the health administration to their limits. But finally, we are on the road to recovery from the terrible second wave of coronavirus. While that’s a big sigh of relief, the danger is far from over. Even with the second wave subsiding, there are instances of new variants of the coronavirus, and we are yet to assess their impact.

Calculated predictions and assumptions are being made about if and when the third wave will hit us and what will be its impact. The presence of the newly detected variants might complicate matters. But with the infection curve having flattened since June, it gives us some breathing space and is the ideal time to prepare for the third wave and make a checklist of hand sanitization and other COVID-appropriate behaviours.

Rallying up for Prevention of Third Wave

Combating the next wave will require a collective effort from our end to adhere to the norms. This pandemic is not any individual’s problem and thus we have to fight it together as one community.

Here are some of the steps we can take to mitigate the third wave:

1. Social Distancing

Social Distancing Images –

In a densely populated country like India, this might be the most difficult thing to attain. But, it is necessary to maintain a safe distance whenever possible. It is a practical approach and is only for the sake of collective safety. Restrict using public transport and visiting crowded places like restaurants, shopping malls, etc. as much as possible.

2. Limit Travelling

After a year and a half of being confined to our homes, it might be tempting to take a long trip. But for the sake of safety, it is better to avoid any long-distance trips for the time being. We need to be extra careful about travelling to places in the hills or forests, where the locals don’t have as much access to proper healthcare.

3. Health monitoring

It is natural for us to get stressed over a cold or cough. In such a case, it is best to not jump to conclusions, and when in doubt one should get tested to put the speculations to rest. When necessary, do get yourself a routine body check-up to find out if you need to take additional safety measures. This is especially necessary for people above fifty years.

4. Use of Masks

There is no excuse to avoid wearing a mask. It is in our best interest and also ensures that the people around us stay safe. Don’t pay attention to the rumours about the dangers of wearing masks as doctors and scientists have already explained it is safe to do so.

5. Vaccination

Undoubtedly, vaccination is the best way to fight the virus and prevent the third wave. Vaccine availability has been an issue thus far. This seems to be improving and we should get vaccinated as soon as we can.

6. Hand Sanitization

Our hands are the most vulnerable medium to harbour infection-causing germs. Thus, it is crucial to proactively sanitize our hands. Simultaneously, we need to sanitize everything that enters our house from the outside world.

All these steps are equally important. Every measure individually is futile, but when adopted in tandem, they can help in dampening the next wave. While many factors might affect adherence to these measures, hand sanitization is completely in our control. Let’s find out how hand sanitization is simple and effective with OakMist.

Touchless Hand Sanitization with OakMist


While the availability of vaccines is out of our control, our safety is in our hands. There are bottled hand sanitizers available in the market but in the end, they defeat the purpose of sanitization as we end up touching the bottle every time.

To evade this risk, an efficient contactless hand sanitizer is necessary. This is where OakMist comes into the picture. OakMist is an automatic hand sanitizer dispenser developed by Oakter in association with DRDO India.

OakMist is easy to install, robust in design, and the perfect tool to combat the risks of the next wave. With the lockdown restrictions easing, many of us are going to travel to offices or for other purposes, exposing ourselves to the virus. In such a scenario, having OakMist installed at our workplace and at our homes will lead to effective hand sanitisation.

With Oakter, it is easier to create an environment free from infection. To read more on the need for contactless hand sanitizers you can explore this link: Contactless Sanitizer Dispensers in India.

Variants of OakMist

Developing a habit of proactive hand hygiene is essential at the grass-root level. This includes our homes, offices, educational institutions, and other public places. With this in mind, there are three variants of OakMist to choose from as per specific requirements.

1. OakMist Mini

It is a compact version suited for homes and confined spaces. It is more economical and has all the features of its bigger counterparts. Since many of us are still working remotely, having this mini sanitizer is a perfect way to safeguard our family. Learn more.

2. OakMist 5 Lts

This is the 5 Litres variant of OakMist. This model is suitable for offices and large open spaces. If you are skeptical about investing in a larger variant, then this should be your go-to product for hand sanitisation. Learn more.

3. OakMist Plus 

This is a larger variant of 10 liters capacity. Mass sanitisation is tedious and very tough to track in terms of effectiveness. Having this variant installed at a workplace is the need of the hour. As an employer, it is essential to provide a sense of security to your co-workers, and having one installed in your office sends a strong message. Learn more.

You can delve into the details of all the variants using this link: Automatic Sanitizer Dispenser.

In the end, it is our civic duty to safeguard our community and curb the infection at its weakest stage. This can be achieved by adopting technology-driven tools like OakMist and developing a healthy habit. Start today!

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