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6 Ways to Scale IoT Device Manufacturing with Cloud-Based Services

In the ever-evolving technological landscape, the Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed how we connect to and interact with the world around us.

It is estimated that by 2025, over 75 billion devices will be connected via the IoT.

But obviously, this trajectory would not be possible without the manufacturing of IoT devices. In fact, the Indian Government has recognised how crucial the IoT device manufacturing sector is and has launched the PLI Scheme 2.0 for IT Hardware, which is expected to help broaden the manufacturing ecosystem in India.

However, in spite of the support, today’s IoT device manufacturers have a lot to contend with. To be competitive in the modern marketplace, they must innovate continually and be agile across all aspects of operations.

One compelling way to increase competitiveness is by leveraging cloud-based services to scale up IoT device manufacturing efficiently. In this blog post, let’s look at 6 ways in which cloud-based services contribute to scaling IoT device manufacturing.

iot device manufacturing

Boosting IoT Device Manufacturing: 6 Key Strategies Using Cloud-Based Services

Cloud-based services provide a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective infrastructure for managing the entire lifecycle of IoT devices. Let us elaborate:

1. Access to real-time data

Real-time data is universally recognised as a critical asset for businesses. It offers valuable insights, enabling informed decision-making and swift responses to ever-changing market conditions.

But it becomes even more significant for IoT device manufacturers. This is because IoT devices like sensors, cameras, wearable gadgets, etc., continually create and send out data, contributing to the real-time data ecosystem.

This is where cloud-based services come in. They give manufacturers continual access to this data from their IoT devices. This information may be utilised to track the performance of their devices, detect possible problems, and make educated decisions about scaling up production processes.

Hence, having access to this data becomes vital to IoT device manufacturing businesses.

2. Optimisation of manufacturing 

Remote has become the new buzzword. This applies to IoT device manufacturing, too.

  • By integrating cloud-based services with manufacturing equipment, manufacturers operate and monitor their whole production process remotely and in real-time.
  • This drastically reduces the need for manual intervention and increases the efficiency of the whole production process.
  • Cloud services enable IoT device manufacturers to distribute their resources efficiently and easily increase or decrease their production capabilities to meet ever-changing market conditions. Thus, they can benefit from the crucial advantage of scalability.
  • Furthermore, integrating with the cloud enables manufacturers to coordinate and communicate more efficiently with their suppliers, distributors, and other stakeholders.

Hence, cloud-based services make the whole IoT device manufacturing process more streamlined and productive from start to finish.

3. Remote device management

Manufacturers can monitor and control their IoT devices from any location with the help of cloud-based solutions. To illustrate:

  • Manufacturers obtain real-time insights into their IoT devices’ status, performance, and health, which are crucial in making proactive decisions and rapidly resolving issues.
  • In addition, they can use cloud-based remote device management to improve their procedures and workflows to ensure consistency and uniformity in all device setups and settings.
  • Cloud systems also allow companies to centrally control and seamlessly and simultaneously deploy their security procedures, patch management, etc., to all connected devices.
  • This also helps them maintain security standards and monitor their devices regularly for any possible vulnerabilities.
  • Manufacturers also get to troubleshoot faults, tweak settings, and apply changes remotely, decreasing downtime and improving the overall reliability of their IoT devices.

4. Centralised software updates

Cloud-based services help manufacturers push software updates to all IoT devices simultaneously, ensuring uniformity in the functionality of all devices and eliminating the need for individual updates, thereby saving time and resources.

This ability to update all devices simultaneously ensures that all the devices operate on the latest software versions with the most recent features and improvements.

But this capability is especially beneficial to manufacturers who are looking to scale up their production or venture into new markets, as it allows them to expand without compromising on the performance of their devices.

5. Collaborative development

Cloud-based collaboration tools and services help remote development teams involved in manufacturing IoT devices.

These tools provide the platform for real-time communication through shared documents, messaging, and video conferencing, allowing team members to work on various facets of IoT device development simultaneously, efficiently, rapidly, and in a coordinated manner.

 6. Scalable data storage and analysis

Cloud-based services also provide IoT device manufacturers with scalable storage options, allowing them to efficiently receive, handle, and store the vast amounts of data generated from their IoT devices.

Manufacturers can store and analyse this data in the cloud, using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to gain valuable insights.

These insights help them optimise their manufacturing processes and as well as drive initiatives to grow the business according to evolving market demands and trends.

Final words

Needless to say, IoT device manufacturing in India is undergoing a massive and rapid transformation, and although it is supported by the Indian government’s PLI Scheme 2.0 for IT Hardware, it is currently faced with many challenges.

However, adopting cloud-based services is a strategic way to combat these challenges and thrive in the growing competitive market.

In essence, pairing IoT device manufacturing and cloud-based services can create a symbiotic relationship that helps navigate complex IoT ecosystems more efficiently and easily.

As the IoT landscape in India continues to evolve rapidly, this collaborative approach promises to unlock new possibilities, transforming how Oakter, an advanced Indian ODM, manufactures and interacts with IoT devices in the connected world.

Come and join this exciting IoT device manufacturing world by partnering with us.

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